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Nice you found the way to us. If you are as infected by the travel fever as we are and you like to experience new cultures and adventures, you are exactly at the right spot. We would like to share our experiences with you and other travel maniacs and maybe you have one or two tips for us?


You are not sure where to start?

  • Find a country on our worldmap. If we have already travelled to a country you can find our travel reports by clicking on it.
  • You can also view the reports per continent/country
  • Or maybe you can find useful tips around trip planning?
  • Additionally you can find all our posts listed chronologically in our archive

„The greatest sight there is, is the world itself – look into it.“

Kurt Tucholsky, German journalist and writer

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Who stands behind CompassChronicle?

We are Paddy and Mimi, a travel-hungry couple from tiny Switzerland in the middle of Europe. We call ourselves Slow-Travelers, because we like to spend enough time in one place or country to not only see the typical sights but also to get to know the culture of the respective country.

If you would like to know more about us, you can browse our about us-page.

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If you like our blog and you would like to read and see more of us, we would be very happy if you would like to support us. Often we sit for hours in coffee shops, write our blog, sort out pictures and edit them. That’s quite a large number of coffees together. Maybe you would like to buy us one or two?

About us

We are Paddy and Mimi, a travel-hungry couple from tiny Switzerland in the middle of Europe. We call ourselves slow travelers, because we like to spend enough time in one place or country. Therefore we don’t only visit the typical sights but also get to know the culture of the respective country.

Our current location:

Santa Cruz, Bolivia

Our Travelmap

Our newest Blogs

Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz

On our journey eastwards in Bolivia, we soon come across the next big city: Santa Cruz de la Sierra. As always with longer distances, we make several stages out of it so as not to get into a driving frenzy. And there are other beautiful places to see along the way....

La Paz

La Paz

After not knowing exactly whether we should enter Bolivia or not, we obviously decided in favor of Bolivia. A new country, new adventures, La Paz as the city with the highest seat of government in the world awaits us. We take a small border crossing from Lake Titicaca...

Lake Titicaca

Lake Titicaca

At the end of our trip through Peru, we visit one last highlight: Lake Titicaca. Or is it not the end of our trip through Peru? At the moment, we are still a little torn as to whether we should continue from Lake Titicaca towards Bolivia or take the somewhat safer...



Welcome to the white city of Peru: Arequipa. There are different theories about the origin of the name White City. One theory is that this name is derived from the sillar stone often used for houses. Another theory is somewhat less pleasant and goes back to the...